Everyday Ezra #17
Today we went to camp. It wasn't terrific, it was horrific! First we went on the bus (by ourselves) to the camp. Then we went to our classroom and "learned": Ima, Abba, Saba, Savta. I did learn two things: how to eat a roll with chocolate spread inside, and how to write a cursive bet. Then we went out to recess, and I saw Gavi. The only fun thing was that I was on the stairs to go down, and I said "going down" and I jumped off the stairs into the yard. After recess, I cried since part of the class went in and I thought it was time to go home, but it wasn't. At the end of the day I went to the library and painted something and brought it home. Then we got on the bus to go home. I'll post soon. Signing off, Ezra.