Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Everyday Ezra #5

Today it was the hottest day of the heat wave.  This morning we took a bus, and the number of the bus was 7.  We took the bus to an office called Misrad Haklita.  They told us we are going to go there tomorrow morning.  After that we went to the shuk.  We got rice, apples, clothespins, and a pitcher.  After that we went home and had lunch which was pizza.  It was very, very yummy, but not as yummy as the shwarma. 

Later today, we're going to meet the landlords of the apartment we want to rent.  I won't have enough time to write about it in this blog because this is before we are going to the house.  So I'll write about it in Everyday Ezra #6.  I'll post again soon.  Signing off: Ezra.


  1. I love reading your blog dear Ezra,it's as I'm sitting next to you experiencing the same things you do
    can't wait for your next note
    hugs and kisses
    your aunt Suzanne

  2. Ezra,

    This is an outstanding piece of journalism! You do an excellent job of capturing the spirit of Israel and conveying to your readers the excitement of your new adventure. I look forward to your new posts.

    Kol tuv, Leonard Shapiro
