Every day Ezra #57
This post will be about leyl haseder when I stayed awake from kadesh to nirtzah. Nirzah was finished at 2am. At the seder there were 20 people. The seder was at our cousins' house. At kadesh we had the first cup. At urchatz we did netilat yadayim without the bracha. For karpas we had parsley dipped in salt water. Then for yachatz we split the middle matza for the afikoman. During magid me and my cousin Shalom said the 4 questions aka Ma Nishtana. In magid everyone talked and talked and talked etc...They talked an hour and a half! We did our skit of the 10 plagues. In rachtza we washed or hands and we found our uncle hiding the afikoman inside the matza box. Then we got it and hid it and then gave it back. In motzei matza we do what it sounds like. In maror and korech we had lettuce and charoset. For shulchan orech we ate the meal, while I played with my cousins. Then we did tzafun when you eat the afikoman. But we already found the afikoman so it wasn't that fun. Then there was all the singing and that was it.
Signing off,
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